Betavet Echinacea + Red Marine Minerals
Immune Support and Gastric Conditioner
Standardised active ingredients in single herbs delivered in a pure concentrated extract powder form designed to provide a complete therapeutic dosage at lower dosage rates. These herbs are chosen for their specific actions to enable the health and wellbeing of all horses including mares and senior horses. The herbs have been tested free of common contaminants and levels of important active ingredients to ensure maximum herbal benefit.
All powders are combined with a sustainably produced algae which is harvested under strict control off the pristine coast of Iceland and are an exceptionally rich source of calcium and co-factors. The red marine minerals act as a buffer in the digestive tract, stomach and hind gut and help reduce the effect of excessive acid production- the precursor to equine stomach ulceration or EGUS. The red marine minerals contain calcium and magnesium and 72 minerals and trace elements in a highly absorbable form to help reduce stress and assist with nutritional uptake and digestive function.
- Aids with recovery from illness, allergies and skin conditions
- Supports healthy immune function
- Provides dietary fibre for the proliferation of healthy gut flora
- Beneficial for appetite, gut and intestinal health
- Readily available bioactive minerals
- Natural calcium supplement
- Contains no banned substances
One scoop = 10gm
- Pony: 5gm
- Horse: 10gm
For best results: Load twice daily for 5 days at first sign of symptoms
Each 10gm dose contains equivalent to dried:
- Echinacea purpurea root 20gm
- Red Marine minerals 5000mg